Tikugashirei kuAlsuccess!

Ndezvipi zvakanakira kushandisa maindasitiri ekutyaira manipulator?

What are the benefits of using industrial welding manipulators? With the continuous development of science and technology, the demand for welding work in various fields is also increasing. Nekuda kwesimba renzvimbo uye zvinhu zvevanhu, hunhu hwechinyakare hwechinyakare hunotambudza, uye kutadza kuremara kunonyanya kuitika. Industrial welding robots can replace the traditional welding to complete the welding work with guaranteed quality.
1. Kuvandudza kugona kwekugadzira kwemabhizimusi. Manual welding inoderedza kushanda kwekunyanyisa nekuwedzera kwenguva, uye hunhu hunotyisa hachigone kuvimbiswa. Iyo maindasitiri welding Manipulator anoshandisa iyo yakangwara kudzora system yekushandisa tulating. Anoshanda chete anoda nguva dzose ma parameter, uye anogona kuenderera mberi neWalkodhi webasa, achivandudza kwazvo basa rekugadzira.

3. Reduce the cost of the enterprise. The welding manipulator can replace manual work to complete the welding work, and the input cost of the welding manipulator is certain. Doing a good job of maintenance in the use process can extend the service life and reduce the labor cost of the enterprise. Munguva yekushanda kwakatwasira, paramende yakakodzera inosarudzwa zvichienderana neyekuwonesa zvirevo, uye zvigadzirwa zvekutambisa zvichasunungurwa kuti tipe mari yekuchengetedza mari yemubhokisi.

Kutumira Nguva: Nov-08-2022