Sekureva kwebetsero yebonde. Iyo inogona kushandira pamwe neyekuvhara nzvimbo yekuziva iyo yekudzikiswa kwemukati uye yekunze seam alding yemabasa ebasa. In the face of the continuous development of welding equipment, the welding roller carrier is also constantly improving, but no matter how it is improved, the operating procedures of the welding roller carrier are basically the same.
Kuongororwa usati washandisa kune welding roller inotakura
1. Tarisa uone iyo nzvimbo yekunze inosangana nezvinodiwa uye hapana kukomberedzwa kubva kune dzimwe nyika;
3 Kana vakasununguka, simbisa ivo vasati vashandisa;
5. Tarisa uone kuti roller inotenderera kazhinji.
Inoshanda mirayiridzo yeWalding Roller Carrier
3. Gadzirisa iyo Center Facal urefu hwemapoka maviri ekutsigira rollers kusvika 60 ° ° 5 ° ine nzvimbo yeiyo cylinder. Kana iyo cylinder ichirema, midziyo yekudzivirira ichawedzerwa kudzivirira iyo silinda kuti ipukunyuke parinotenderera.
4. Kana zvichidikanwa kugadzirisa iyo Welding roller inotakura, inofanira kuitwa kana iyo roller inotakura ichimira.
5. When starting the motor, first close the two pole switch in the control box, turn on the power, and then press the “forward rotation” or “reverse rotation” button according to the welding requirements. Kumisa kutenderera, tinya "STOP" bhatani. If the rotation direction needs to be changed midway, the direction can be adjusted by pressing the “Stop” button, and the power supply of the speed control box is turned on. Iko kumhanya kwemota kunodzorwa neyekumhanya kudzora banga mubhokisi rekutonga.
7 Uye shanduko imwe neimwe inofanira kuzadzwa nemafuta anoneta, uye mafuta anonhuwirira mune rimwe nerimwe remuchinjiro uye achifanira kuongororwa nguva dzose; ZG1-5 Calcium Grease inozoshandiswa sekubereka mafuta anoyevedza, uye nzira yekudzoreredza ichagara ichirerwa.
Kuchenjera kwekushandisa kweWalding Roller Carrier
1. After the workpiece is hoisted on the roller frame, first observe whether the position is appropriate, whether the workpiece is close to the roller, and whether there is any foreign matter on the workpiece that hinders the rotation. Mushure mekusimbisa kuti zvinhu zvese zvakajairika, kuvhiya kunogona kutanga zvakarongeka;
3. Kana zvichidikanwa kuti uchinje kutenderedza kutungamira kweiyo basa rekushanda, tinya bhatani revatengi mushure mekunge mota inomira zvizere;
6. Iyo yekunze pamusoro pegwenzi rerubha haufanire kusangana nemidziyo yemoto uye zvinhu zvinokosheswa;
Kutumira Nguva: Nov-08-2022